Developer :
Works with OS :
Windows® 2000/XP x86(32bit)/XP x64(64bit)
Windows Vista® x86(32bit)/Windows Vista® x64(64bit) Windows 7 x86(32bit)/Windows 7 x64(64bit) Windows 8 x86(32bit)/Windows 8 x64(64bit) Windows 10 x86(32bit)/Windows 10 x64(64bit), Mac OS & Linux |
Compatible Model (MB-):
MB1500, MB1520, MB1530, MB1500C, MB1520C, MB1500BX, MB1520BX, MB1530BX, MB1500CX, MB1510CX, MB1520CX, MB1530CX, MB1536CX, MB1500ML, MB1520ML, MB1530ML, MB1536ML, MB1500SX, MB1520SX, MB1530SX, MB1536SX, MB1500E, MB1520E, MB1530E, MB1500HX, MB1520EX, MB1530EX, MB1520FX, MB1530FX, MB1500GR, MB1520GR, MB1530GR, MB1500TK, MB1520TK, MB1530TK, MB1536TK, MB1500BL, MB1520BL, MB1530BL, MB1520NL, MB1530NL, MB1500GX, MB1500HK, MB1520HK, MB1530HK, MB1536HK
1.12 for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
1.13 for Windows 8/10 |
PC interface:
Support Language:
Size :
40 MB
Download instructions :
- Click Download to download a driver or utility from Panasonic KX MB1500 Drivers Printer.
- When the File Download appears, the download will start automatically.
- If the Download Complete window appears, click Close. file has been saved to your HDD. install
How to Install :
- Double-click the .zip file labeled driver or setup.exe.
- Self-Extracting window appears and prompts you to extract or unzip. Wait until the file (Ie Setup.exe) can be found.
- After Self-Extractor file appears.
- Click OK.
- After completing the file extraction, if the Self-Extractor window is still open, close it.
- Click the Start button, then click Run.
- Type the path of drivers in the Open text box and then click OK.
- Follow the installation instructions on the screen.